Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dueling Instructional Design Models

I’m just having a great time tonight. The link I’m supposed to go to does not exist, so I need to guess on which one I’m supposed to use instead. I just clicked on a few things & now I’m in Google Hell.

So I’m just going to do my own thang with the Google searches, as is my way this week. At least a have a few names to search on…

1-2) How are the two models of instructional design similar to one another? And how are they different?

In searching on the Dick & Carey Model, I was immediately drawn to Walter Dick’s article, “The Dick and Carey Model: Will It Survive the Decade?” Ah, controversy! Ah, but somewhat incomprehensible at first glance of the abstract – no details on what this is.

And then my Google search turned up many links to the book I could purchase on the Dick and Carey Model, but no overview on the model. And the clock ticks away. More Google searching.

Ah, the glory of edutechwiki! Eureka!

Okay, so it appears that you start with your goal (or learning outcome), then follow their handy flow chart to figure out how you’re going to assess it (yawn!) And also, duh. Then analyze how that’s workin’ for you after the fact & revise if necessary. (Again, duh, who doesn’t do that?)

So the ADDIE Model had better be something truly new, different and revolutionary or I will be bored to tears. (Oh and if this is covered in pp. 41-53 of Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning, well I couldn’t open that link on Blackboard either.)

Now the moment of truth: can I open a new window in my Cavegirl Laptop, or will the whole thing crash?

Yes and yes! Straight o’ wiki this time…. And OMG this is insufferable! (Stacey you actually completed a degree in this??) When do we get to the good part?

Okay, so the assignment (where is the eyes-glazing-over emoticon? ;-) The similarities are that they’re both models of instructional design and seemingly contain the same elements. The important difference, as my wiki points out is that,” In the ADDIE concept, each step has an outcome that bleeds into the subsequent step.

Analysis > Design > Development > Implementation > Evaluation

And wow, here it seems you start with analysis… and carry it all the way through, rather than sticking with the flow chart in Dick & Carey. Also, it seems this one is favored over Dick & Carey because, “This is the idea of receiving continual or formative feedback while instructional materials are being created. This model attempts to save time and money by catching problems while they are still easy to fix.”

So if you’re analyzing all the way through, every step of the way, you figure out before you assign something that it would be not to go with potentially problematic assignments/assessments. I’m on board with that. But sometimes we simply can’t know a field work assignment will go dramatically off the tracks until it does…

3) Define the process for starting the design phase for a specific lesson you can use in your own curriculum. You should describe your potential audience (general characteristics, prior knowledge, demographics, and motivations). List any societal factors that may affect your lesson as well.

Well, I’m using the ADDIE model, so I would start with the Analysis phase:
• Who is the audience and what are their characteristics? College students of all ages who are bored easily & are taking the class to meet a requirement and for personal interest.
• Identify the new behavioral outcome. Um, the new behavioral outcome, that they not be bored? That they’re actually engaged in the material?
• What types of learning constraints exist? The allure of so many other more fascinating things, such as the text they just received and their own cognitive wandering?
• What are the delivery options? Online via a discussion board and video clip; in-class via a discussion and video clip.
• What are the online pedagogical considerations? Well, if I’m going to use a video clip, I need to upload it to our streaming server to make sure everyone can access it. I might also see if it (or something similar) is available on YouTube…
• What are the Adult Learning Theory considerations? Learners are most likely to be engaged if the topic is personally relevant.
• What is the timeline for project completion? If online, one week; if in class, one class period.
Now, as for societal factors, the only thing I can think of for this assignment is that I need to warn my students that the clip contains language that may be offensive so some people.

So here’s the assignment (in case you were looking for that):

A link to the dinner scene from Little Miss Sunshine +

Reflect back on your childhood or adolescence and think of a particular holiday meal... Please analyze a "typical" family dinner in terms of behaviors, interactions, and communication styles that occurred. (You may compare and contrast family dinners between/among households, if that was your experience.)

If you've seen the movie, Little Miss Sunshine, consider the dinner scene at the beginning of the movie (click on the link above to watch) and ponder the following...

How has your family background influenced your values, beliefs, and assumptions about family, gender roles, stereotypes, power, and individual rights within the family? How did the interactions that you experienced around the dinner table influence your communication patterns today?

Address five of the following questions:
Who bought the food? Who prepared it?
Who set the table? Cleared the table?
What were some of the foods/dishes that your family ate regularly? Why did you have these foods?
What was the conversation like? What was the mood or feel at the table?
What attitudes/values were conveyed through family dinner practices?
What gender roles were evident?
What conversations about the day did they bring to the table?
What practices do you continue from these early family influences? Which have you discarded? Why?

P.S. This assignment could be set up as a blog entry (since that’s the topic we’re on this week) or just a class discussion board. And the learning outcome that it addresses in Soc 140 Sociology of Intimate Relationships & Family is LC 2: Discuss the diverse customs, attitudes, values and expectations (by gender, race/ethnicity, social class, etc.) that affect our relationships with others.

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